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War of Lanka (Ram Chandra Series Book 4) at Lowest Price in India

Original price was: ₹499.00.Current price is: ₹399.00.

by Amish Tripathi | Collins Business India

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Delhi, NCR, UP, UK, Haryana, Punjab : 3-4 Days
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Here you can also buy a series of books: –

           Ram – Scion of Ikshvaku (Ram Chandra Series Book 1)

          Raavan : Enemy of Aryavarta (Ram Chandra Series Book 3)

Some other series are also here that are written by Amish. Amish best-selling Novels

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Greed. Rage. Grief. Love. Smoldering tinder, waiting to trigger a war.

But this war is different. This one is for Dharma. This war is for the greatest Goddess of them all.

Sita has been kidnapped. Defiantly, she dares Raavan to kill her – she would rather die than allow the ram to surrender.

Ram is beside himself with grief and rage. He prepares for war. Furry is this fuel. Calm focus, his guide.

Ravana thought he was invincible. He thought he’d negotiate and force a surrender. Little did he know….

The first three books of the second-fastest-selling book series in Indian publishing history – the Ram Chandra Series – explore the individual journeys of Ram, Sita, and Ravana. In this, the epic fourth book of the series, their narrative strands crash into each other and explode in a slaughterous war.

Will Ram defeat the ruthless and fiendish Raavan?

constrained as he is by the law of dharma?

Will Lanka burn to a cinder or fight back like a cornered tiger?

Will the terrible costs of war be worth the victory?

Most importantly will Vishnu rise?

And will the real enemies of the land fear the Vishnu?

Fear is the mother of love.

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Amish Tripathi


Collins Business India





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    war-of-Lanka-ram-chandra-series-book-4-amishWar of Lanka (Ram Chandra Series Book 4) at Lowest Price in India
    Original price was: ₹499.00.Current price is: ₹399.00.

    Estimated Delivery Time
    Meerut: Next Day Delivery
    Delhi, NCR, UP, UK, Haryana, Punjab : 3-4 Days
    Rest of India : 6-8 Days